Adult Education

Join Rabbi Hershenson and Temple Beth Tikvah members in study, discussion and community engagement. Through our Jewish adult education classes, B’nai Mitzvah program, Havdallah with a Maven and Havdallah and a Movie events, we learn together, connect with each other and explore the ancient and modern Jewish story


Moral Courage: A Learning & Practice Group

1st & 3rd Sundays of each month
10:30 am – 12:00 pm

TBT’s Moral Courage Group is seeking new members! Are you looking for a brave space to discuss current events and controversial topics? Are you looking for an on-going learning experience that brings you into community with other TBT members? Then the Moral Courage Group is perfect for you.

To sign up, please email Lauralei at See a list of our upcoming meeting dates and topics below.

2023 Schedule:

January 1 & 15: Pretty Privilege: How Do We Benefit & How Are We Harmed?

February 5 & 19: Oregon’s Black History

March 5 & 19: Prison Reform

April 2 & 16: Disability and Accessibility

May 7 & 21: The History of U.S National Parks

June 4 & 18: 2SLGBTQIA+ Language & Current Issues (Repeat)

July 2 & 16: Anti-Black Racism (Repeat)

August 6 & 20: Unconscious Bias: How Does it Work & How Do We Become Aware?

September 3 & 17: Antisemitism & Hate Speech

October 1 & 15: History of Immigration in the U.S: Why is There a Problem Today?

November 5 & 19: Mental Health in the U.S: Perspectives from Neurodivergent People

December 3 & 17: Adultism & Intergenerational Healing: How Do We Support and Empower Children?

Check the calendar for meeting information.