Rabbi Sara Abrams

Rabbi Sara Abrams has worked as a rabbi, interfaith chaplain and pastoral counselor for the past eleven years. She received her ordination from Hebrew Union College–Institute of Jewish Religion in Los Angeles and has worked as a congregational rabbi in Los Angeles, CA, Chico, CA and Westchester, NY, along with serving as an Interfaith chaplain at UCLA Medical Center.
In addition to her ordination, Rabbi Abrams holds a Master’s in Religious Studies from University of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado and a Master’s in Education from Hunter College in New York. In every place she has served, she has shared her eclectic spirituality, her joy, her love of Jewish mysticism, and her creativity to help others to enrich the spiritual foundation of their lives. She has written her own prayers, poetry, and music–all with the purpose of uplifting the spirit and elevating the soul.
You can schedule an appointment with Rabbi Sara during her office hours on Wednesday afternoons at https://calendly.com/rabbisaraabrams/30min, or email her at rabbisaraabrams@gmail.com to schedule.
Rabbi Johanna Hershenson, Rabbi Emerita

Rabbi Johanna Hershenson was introduced to our congregation on July 13, 2013. Since that first Torah study and service, she has been a strong, intelligent, warm and charismatic clergy leader. With humor and wisdom, Rabbi clarifies and amplifies the teachings of the Torah, making its lessons and parables relevant and accessible. We nod our heads in understanding. Grasping the insights of the sacred texts she distills brilliantly through her commentary and storytelling.
As a wandering Jew searching for the global experience before accepting the singular beauty of Bend, our Rabbi served at Bejt Simcha in Prague, Czech Republic; Temple Sinai in Wellington, New Zealand; Congregation Beth Sholom in Anchorage, Alaska; Temple Beth El of South Orange County and Wilshire Boulevard Temple in Los Angeles, California.
Rabbi Hershenson earned her BA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with distinctions in History, Hebrew and Semitic Languages, and History of Culture. Ordained in 1995 by Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, she received an MA in Hebrew Letters. She was awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in March 2020. Rabbi Hershenson has co-produced a documentary film, A Torah Tale, which traces parallel journeys of a Torah scroll that survived the Holocaust and the life of the last, living Jew of a Czech town.
Throughout her career, Rabbi Hershenson has explored the intersection between spiritual lessons in Jewish living and mental health. In June, 2019, Rabbi Hershenson completed a Masters of Arts degree in Counseling at Oregon State University, Cascades.
Rabbi Hershenson lives on an historic, off-grid ranch east of the city of Bend with her husband Mark.
Read Rabbi Johanna’s High Holy Days sermons here.
For information about the Rabbi Hershenson Anniversary Fund, click here.