Annual Membership Commitment

We are blessed with a wonderful community providing an abundant source of friendships, good deeds, learning and Jewish ritual experiences and are thankful for your continued participation.

Each year, we renew our commitment to the community.  As always, we request your membership pledge and ask you to please consider the many ways that TBT enriches your life. We also ask you to consider your commitment to the broader Jewish community and the Jewish people in your life who are important to you.    

Informed by feedback from you, we are sharing a Sustaining Commitment amount with you.  The Sustaining contribution is the amount that if each member household was able to contribute, we would ensure that Temple Beth Tikvah meets all its planned financial obligations, including the necessary funding to maintain a community led by a settled, resident Rabbi.

Also, if you are in a position to contribute more, we want to provide additional ideas to guide your thinking:

Sustaining – $1218 per year
The foundation of our community, Sustaining contributions are critical to ensuring our community continues to thrive and celebrate together in the year to come.

L’Chaim – $1818 per year
Symbolizing life and vitality, L’Chaim contributions are a commitment to ensuring the continued growth and flourishing of our congregation in the years ahead.

Future – $2418 per year
Recognizing the mitzvah of passing Torah down to the next generation, Future contributions provide substantial support to ensure a lasting legacy for future generations of our congregation.

We maintain our commitment to the value that finances should never be a barrier to your participation in our congregation. If you are unable to contribute at the Sustaining Level, please determine an amount that fits your financial circumstances.

If you have any questions, contact our Treasurer at Treasurer@bethtikvahbend.orgYour financial information is kept strictly confidential.

Please make your annual membership commitment pledge here.