The Jewish Community Religious School is a program for all Jewish children of Central Oregon. It is a coalition of parents and teachers from all of the Jewish communities in Central Oregon aligned to provide a rich and transformative Jewish and Hebrew education for the children in our communities, as well as those unaffiliated with one of the Jewish congregations.
The Community Religious School program delivers classroom education, mitzvah projects, weekly Hebrew courses and more. Students learn about Jewish holidays, customs and ceremonies, theology and prayer, ethics and values, Hebrew and Torah, Jewish history and Israel. The teachers are knowledgeable, warm and nurturing. And they encourage curiosity, compassion and critical thinking in students of all ages.

Classes meet twice a month during the school year. Please email our education coordinator at JewishSchoolCO@gmail.com for schedule information.
For more information about the school and to register your child go to: www.jewishschoolco.com.
For information on Temple Beth Tikvah’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah program, click Bar/Bat Mitzvah Training.