Letting go is hard. Change is hard. Getting decently priced eggs right now is hard. What I am excited to say won’t be hard: transitioning to the position of “past president.”
Why not, you ask? Because Ginger Weeden, a current member-at-large of the TBT Board and chair of our Finance Committee has agreed to be nominated for the position of president. Some of the attributes I find especially important for a congregational leader and that Ginger exhibits seemingly without difficulty are: thoughtfulness, intelligence, flexibility, and commitment to this community. She brings her wisdom built through her years of professional experience as well as her deep knowledge of non-profit work to ensure the ongoing success of TBT. I couldn’t be more pleased that she has said yes!
It is that time of year where we at Temple Beth Tikvah begin to consider our next leadership team. I am thankful that I will have one more year on the board in my final term, serving alongside Laura Fritz and Dave Liedman who are in the second year of their two-year term.
Paul Spencer is looking forward to being nominated for and serving a third term. Our nominating committee, with the help of our newly formed recruiting committee, is looking to fill the shoes of our departing members: Lester Dober and Kathy Schindel. Lester and Kathy have been incredible stewards of our community. They will remain a model for us as we have conversations with potential board members.
We as a community are blessed to have so many in our community who have served on the Board. It is not easy to both lead and be part of a community. I am grateful for those who have served before and look forward to sharing who will be serving next in the weeks and months to come. In the meantime, have a wonderful February and I hope to see you soon at any one of our events this month.