Join Us For High Holy Days 2020/5781
Temple Beth Tikvah welcomes everyone to join us online for our streaming High Holy Days services and virtual adult learning discussions and in person for some events. Click here to stream our virtual services.
The Meaning of the High Holy Days
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur represent two of the most important days of the year for the Jewish community. The High Holy Days are not just a celebration of the Jewish New Year but also serve as a time of contemplation, reflection and aspiration for the coming year. The theme of this remarkable 10-day period is “Teshuvah,” a beautiful Hebrew word that means “to return” or “to turn around.”
Rabbi Johanna Hershenson leads our streaming High Holy Days Services – erev Rosh Hashanah and Rosh Hashanah morning; Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur morning services – and guides us in adult learning discussions during both holidays. We will meet in person for Kever Avot and Tashlich. Please note that social-distancing and masks are required for our in-person gatherings. We greatly appreciate your help in keeping everyone healthy and safe.
High Holy Days Schedule 2020/5781
High Holy Days services are available here for streaming on our website. Services will be live as of the times listed below and will remain active for streaming throughout the High Holy Days period.
Friday, September 18th
5:00 pm: Multi-generational service – Apples and Honey for a Sweet Year
7:00 pm: Erev Rosh Hashanah Service
Saturday, September 19th
10:00 am: Rosh Hashanah Morning Service
1:00 pm: Adult Learning & Discussion via Zoom*
4:00 pm: Sounding the shofar & Tashlich, Pioneer Park
Hear the shofar at 4:15, 4:30 and 4:45 pm
Visiting gravesites to honor departed loved ones and members of the community
Sunday, September 27th
2:00 pm: Pilot Butte Cemetery
3:00 pm: Gan Shalom, Deschutes Memorial Garden Cemetery
Sunday, September 27th
7:00 pm: Erev Yom Kippur Kol Nidre Service
Monday, September 28th
10:00 am: Yom Kippur Morning Service & Yizkor
1:00 pm: Adult Learning & Discussion via Zoom*
6:00 pm: Virtual Break-fast with Rabbi Johanna
*If you would like to join the Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur Adult Learning discussions, email for the link to join.
High Holy Days Tzedakah Fund Appeal
Each year at the High Holy Days we ask you to consider making a donation to support our ongoing Social Action programs. This year, the High Holy Days Tzedakah Project has designated two opportunities for tikkun olam – The Giving Plate and REACH. These funds are invaluable to the ongoing Social Action efforts of Temple Beth Tikvah.
The Giving Plate Imagine not knowing when or where you’ll find your next meal? Every month the Giving Plate provides food to 4,000 individuals across Deschutes County through three hunger-relief programs serving low-income families, children and the elderly. All donations matter whatever the amount when you help someone whose belly is empty. Please consider even a small contribution or a generous one if you can to deliver peace of mind to those in need.
REACH delivers assistance and outreach to those experiencing homelessness, providing access to critical resources and referrals to local agencies. Assistance includes medical and health services, transportation support, employment placement, and donations of items such as sleeping bags and tents.
This year, C.O.J.Y – Central Oregon Jewish Youth – participants are using donations to the Tzedakah Fund on behalf of REACH to purchase items for Hygiene, First Aid, and Survival, which they will put together in kits and give to program director Stacey Witte for delivery to the homeless community. The goal is to deliver 50 combo-kits!
We ask you to please open your heart and your purse and donate. You can designate which of the funds you want your donation applied to or allow your donation to be divided between the two. According to Pirkei Avot, “Deeds of giving are the very foundations of the world.” Thank you for your generous support.
Donations to our Tzedakah Project are accepted until October 15th.
To make a donation to our Tzedakah Fund projects click here.
Yizkor Memorial Booklet
Each year we assemble a Yizkor Memorial Booklet to honor departed loved ones. For this special HHD season, we are offering two versions of the Yizkor booklet, one virtual and one physical. The virtual booklet will scroll during the Yizkor portion of the Yom Kippur morning service. The physical booklet will be included in your High Holy Days Mitzvah Madness gift bag. If you have names to include, please complete the Yizkor form. A donation amount of $36 entitles you to as many names as you wish.
Deadline: Names and payment for our Yizkor Memorial Booklet are due by Tuesday, September 1st.
To complete the form for Yizkor click here.
With virtual High Holy Days programming this year, confirming your participation doesn’t really require a reservation. Rather, we invite you to affirm your personal commitment to participating in this special High Holy Days by indicating which services and events you plan to take part in. By sharing your commitment, you help us weave a web of togetherness across TBT at a time when we need it most. It may seem small, but knowing our friends and loved ones are participating alongside us impacts our sense of community in a big way.
To complete the HHD Reservations form click here.
If you have any questions, please call 541-388-8826 and leave a message with your name and phone number, or email: and a representative of Temple Beth Tikvah will get back to you.